Birds of Pennsylvania by B.H. Warren

All images and descriptions are excerpts from Birds of Pennsylvania by B.H. Warren, M.D. Published in 1890. 100 antique color plates of different birds of Pennsylvania. These vintage posters of Birds of Pennsylvania show off the beauty of nature and creation. Our B.H. Warren offer a calm, discreet presence that goes well with any wall.

Baltimore Oriole - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1902


Barn Owl - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1903


Barred Owl - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1904


Bartramian Sandpiper - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1905


Belted Kingfisher - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1906


Black Crowned Night Heron - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1907


Black Throated Blue Warbler - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1908


Blackcap Titmouse - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1909


Blue Jay - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1910


Bob White - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1911


Bonaparte's Gull - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1912


Broad Winged Hawk - Birds of Pennsylvania - 1913
