W. Hamilton Gibson

Checkout our W. Hamilton Gibson art collection of toadstool and mushroom posters. These toadstool and mushroom posters were put out by Harper and Brothers Publishers in 1895. W. Hamilton Gibson's art selection of 29 native food varieties both poisonous and edible. Whether or not the fungus shown on the toadstool and mushroom posters are in fact poisonous or edible is not verified.

Due to original artwork proportions, the prints below may have white margins on two sides.

Agaricus Campestris - Harper Publishers - 1895


Agaricus Gambosus - Harper Publishers - 1895


Agaricus Ostreatus - Harper Publishers - 1895


Agaricus Procerus - Harper Publishers - 1895


Agaricus Ulmarius - Harper Publishers - 1895


Amanita - Harper Publishers - 1895


Boletus Edulis - Harper Publishers - 1895


Boletus Scaber - Harper Publishers - 1895


Boletus Subtomentosus - Harper Publishers - 1895


Cantharellus Cibarius - Harper Publishers - 1895


Clavaria Formosa - Harper Publishers - 1895


Coprinus Atramentarius - Harper Publishers - 1895
